Launch the LILLIUS app service.

조회수 212

Hello, this is the LILLIUS team, the start of a new workout experience.

The AI sports challenge platform "LILLIUS " has launched its open beta service.

Your cooperation and participation have made it possible for us to launch LILLIUS 's open beta service. We'd like to thank you. We will do our best to build a successful sports ecosystem for LILLIUS.

In the LILLIUS Mall, you can exchange your LILLIUS Points earned by working out in the LILLIUS app for money to purchase products.

You can apply to exchange your points by going to 'Exchange Points' in the LILLIUS app.

However, for a smooth exchange, it is mandatory to register for LILLIUS MALL in advance, and it is recommended to register for LILLIUS APP and LILLIUS MALL with the same email address.

** Note: Due to shipping issues, we do not provide shipping services for physical product purchases for users outside of Korea, and we plan to introduce digital product purchases in the future. Please refer to this when using the service.

We'll share the download link with you. If you have any questions, inquiries, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us (

[Download and Official Links]

[Key Services]

  • Sports Challenge Program

  • Sweet rewards for your workouts

  • 1:1 Face-to-Face Sports Lessons

  • AI motion analysis coaching

  • Training record statistics

LILLIUS 6K Challenge - Squat 100 times a day , 60-days Challenge

We are running a campaign to squat 100 times a day for 60 days (6K) using the LILLIUS app. Everyone who completes the challenge will be rewarded with a variety of benefits.

The LILLIUS 6K Challenge will also lead to the 2023 LILLIUS Challenge in Seoul "Let's run and squat together" offline event later this year!

Discover a new you with healthy exercise habits every day!

Customer Center

031-216-0131 /

Mon - Fri 11:00 - 17:00

Closed on weekends and holidays


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건강기능식품판매업신고번호 서울강남-20240144049

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